
Discover Lumecca
Lumecca is a pulsed-light treatment to treat mainly sun damage, Rosacea or redness and to prevent ageing of the skin with minimal to no downtime.
Who Are Ideal Candidates?
Individuals with the following skin conditions should consider a Lumecca treatment:
- Solar photo-ageing (dyschromia, lentigos, hyperpigmentation, poikiloderma).
- Skin sensitisation and vascular resultants (erythema, rosacea, couperosis, diffuse redness, flushing).
- Dermal and epidermal structural changes (large pores, elastosis and collagen changes).
The photo-rejuvenation gently treats all these signs simultaneously and leads to a gradual and natural skin improvement without downtime. The face is the premium area for this treatment!
Care And Recommended Guidelines
Sun Exposure
- For an optimally effective and safe treatment, sun exposure is to be stopped at least four weeks before a session. One month before the session, apply a high SPF sun block regularly on the area to be treated.
- The intake of sun activators or the use of chemical self-tanning lotions is to be stopped two or more weeks before a session or avoided completely during treatment.
Medication and/or Nutritional Complements
- It is mandatory that you mention all the medication and/or the nutritional supplements you take. Some of their components might be photosensitising to the skin and can result in a contraindication for treatment.
- If the patient is prone to fever blisters from the sun, the treatment could trigger a Herpes Simplex outbreak. Any patient with this history of fever blisters should, therefore, inform our practice for a script or utilise their antiviral medication as a preventative measure.
Risks And Side-Effects
- Not observing the guidelines, especially related to sun exposure, may lead to hypo/hyperpigmentation that may last an average of three months.
- Never have a treatment done if you have a tan or applied self-tanning lotion, as your skin will be burned during the treatment.
- On sensitive areas you may develop slight swelling, however, it should remain no longer than two days.
- Some spots may lead to purpura or micro-crusting that will remain 3-5 days after the session. It will then be very important neither to rub the skin nor to expose it to the sun. Your therapist will warn you if you can expect these side-effects.
CAUTION: Any post-session effects are to be reported in order to recommend the corresponding treatment or advice.
IT IS IMPERATIVE TO MENTION IF YOU SUFFER FROM EPILEPSY OR MIGRAINES: The treatment can either trigger an epileptic fit or induce migraines. In extremely mild cases our thicker lead shields can be applied.
How Many Sessions Do I Need?
Number of Sessions
- The number of sessions depends on the skin concern and will also vary from one skin type to another.
- On average, 2-3 treatments are recommended to recover a uniformly-coloured complexion and a smooth skin texture. After this initial treatment, 1 or 2 maintenance sessions might be requested in the coming year. Your solar habits will highly influence the long-lasting results.
Interval in-between Sessions
- The minimum interval to observe between two consecutive sessions is four weeks. However, a longer interval would not hinder the efficiency of your treatment, as long as it is done within three months.
What Can I Expect?
Skin Preparation
- Prior to a session, the therapist will cleanse the skin thoroughly with a mild cleansing agent. Neither make-up nor fragrance should remain. If you applied a preparation with essential oils, it is very important that you mention it.
- A thin layer of transparent ultrasonic gel will be applied to your skin that will enhance light transmission and ensure optimal treatment, comfort and safety.
- During the session, you will feel a warm prickling sensation. This feeling only lasts the duration of the session.
- The light flash, although it is bright, is harmless to the eyes, because the lead safety goggles will block out the harmful laser light. If you wear contact lenses, please inform us.
- The appearance of the skin immediately after the procedure varies according to the treatment setting that is used:
- A sun damage treatment will result in sun spots and uneven pigmentation turning dark brown. This is temporary darkness which will disappear over the next 7-10 days as the pigmentation flakes off. Please do not scratch, exfoliate or pick the skin.
- Rosacea treatments can result in the skin appearing more flushed, similar to what you see immediately after a brisk walk, or if lighter in complexion due to the shrinking effect of the treatment on the vascular network. Flushing will last a few minutes after the treatment.
- The skin will tingle after the treatment. Please inform the therapist if any areas are extremely hot, similar to that of sunburn. Do not leave our premises if the skin feels like sunburn.
- If the skin is quite loose or very vascular, you may experience some swelling – mostly under the eye area. Sleep with your head slightly elevated on the night of the treatment and cool with the ice balloon given to you.
- As long as you experience a post-treatment skin irritation, you have to protect your skin with sunblock and avoid any sun exposure that, without protection, could lead to the development of post-treatment pigmentation.
- Immediately after the session, an antioxidant cream may be applied to your skin.
- Make-up may be applied immediately after the session if you desire to.
- It is important to moisturise your skin properly (an antioxidant cream is also recommended) and preferably apply a UVA-protective SPF.
- A couple of days after the very first session you will notice a brighter complexion and a smoother skin.
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